Starting at IFHS

Hey guys guess what? It's time! School is starting on the 25th which is Monday. To be truly honest I'm not excited. I'll be starting at a new school because I'm finally be starting high school. You hear people say all the time that high school is ten thousand times better than junior high and I sure hope they are right. It is still hard to get that through my head that I'm going to be a sophomore this year. When people say time goes faster as you get older its so true. Oh, and like the saying, " Life is like a roll of toilet paper the cl0ser you get to the last few squares, the faster you get to the end." It is pretty nerve wrecking just to thinking that I'm going to be in high school at IF. All I can say is, "Wish me luck on Monday."


  1. Good Luck Uncle Colton... you will have a blast! Just never forget WHO you are and WHAT you represent.

  2. you will have sooo much fun! I LOVE high school! Just make sure that you hang out with the right people and you'll do amazing! You'll love it!

  3. Colton, I am sure you had a great day. Just remeber this time in your life will never happen again. Take advantage of all the opportunities you can and enjoy this time because it WILL fly by and FAST! Keep your good head on your shoulders and you will have an awsome sophmore year!

  4. So how did your first day of school go? and you second day?
